In the Name of Peace

Prasun Goswami

A burning hell of violated flesh,
A bloodless moon glares overhead.
In a ravaged village's ruins,
Weary mothers nurse their wounded breasts to feed their starving young.

A storm of murder in religion's name,
Terrified children cry themselves voiceless.

Gun-toting monsters, with callous eyes,
Slaughter the innocent, unchecked,
A bloodied flag mourns on the soil of freedom.

The boundless sky turns black as night,
Hope's hour has vanished from sight.

But sitting in mountain caves,
Isolated rebels cry out, dying,
"We crave blood to stain pale dreams.
Our honor is rent, our liberty supreme in its horror."

In prisoners' eyes burns
Fire, fury, thirst for revenge.
The guard's approaching footsteps
Make death's dread tremble in their bones.
Yet they say, "To defend our faith
We stand ready to conquer death."

Newspaper headlines blare:
"Islamic State, a new dawn."
A promise of pitiless change,
Darkness of sorrow in novelty's heart.

Hungry human-demons
Destroy the deer's existence,
To slake their thirst for blood.
But I've heard you say, beloved,
"Not for religion, but for peace, we must fight."

  • Author: Prasun Goswami (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 21st, 2024 13:37
  • Category: Religion
  • Views: 12
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  • Tony36

    Excellent write

  • sorenbarrett

    A story too common unfortunately. We all fight for our beliefs but hopefully not with guns. To force one to believe what they do not never works and is not from God but from man. Nicely written

  • Doggerel Dave

    Great write, but with respect to content, not something I care to comment on in any way, shape or form.

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