The Grace of the Ordinary


we can glimpse
the subtle grace of the Ordinary:

being nestled
in the arms of a loved one,
the smell of bread,
a line of melody,
the pure joy of a child,

the flamboyant generosity
of nature
as she whirls her skirts
without regard for false modesty,

and we recognise
that we arise from this bountiful messiness,
like a flower,

and we see our identity
is bound up
with the sky
and the sea
and the earth
and the flame,
and that we are their eternal dance,
fleeting and ephemeral,
but of inestimable value,
art for art's sake

  • Author: jeffburton1 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 21st, 2024 18:34
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 28
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  • sorenbarrett

    Beautifully said. Nature is a wonderful thing.

    • jeffburton1

      Thank you. Yes, there is beauty all around but sometimes we forget.

    • orchidee

      A fine write Jeff, and Happy Birthday for 4 days ago, I see!

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