think of yourself as the world


Think of yourself as the world

Beautiful yet unmastered only other than itself 
Think of yourself as the world

The sun and moon comes and goes, yet you stay here above all odds
Think of yourself as the world 

As a butterfly that lives for a short while but leaves and doesn't turn back, even miles and miles after failure
Think of yourself as the world

Small and transfixed but acknowledged by only the true holders
Think of yourself as the world

A heart as big as the ocean as it crashes and sways on the most beautiful beaches to the most desolate storms 
Think of yourself as the world

Fighting against only yourself for the reward of your own true purity 
Think of yourself as the world 

Think of only what currently ignites you
Think of yourself as the world 

Composed as a belief in science, decomposed as a piece of it
Think of yourself as the world 

End eternal suffering by the light refused by only the good
Think of yourself as the world

Seeking cover only by herself 
Think of yourself as the world

As you are nothing less than it.

  • Author: emily van dyke (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 23rd, 2024 15:57
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
  • Users favorite of this poem: Qurrathul Ain
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Comments +


  • Thomas W Case


  • sorenbarrett

    We are all part of a bigger something. Nicely done

  • Caring dove

    Beautiful ) lovely writing

  • emvd

    thank you so much!

  • Tony36


  • Dan Williams

    If you can get this message to more humans maybe they would treat this fragile planet a little better. Good work.

  • aDarkerMind

    nicely written.

    most impressed.

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