My fitbit


My Fitbit is my joy and pride

I wear it both day and night

It helps to count the steps I take

It’s fully aware when I gorge on cake..


It gives a ping as I lie in bed

As if to say – wake up sleepy head

Time and again a message it sends

It works so hard – it’s day never ends


Stand up – it orders

Stretch - Do some exercise

Don’t keep sitting all the time

And tell me no fibs and lies


Stand up it says as I’m having a bath

It behaves like a horse pulling a cart

Whether I object or quietly obey

It serenely continues to do its part


It startles me up - even at  midnight

Sending me offers that trend online

It does not care that I want some quiet

And for peace and rest – I do pine


So it’s a mixed bundle that does some good

And tires to improve me, if it could

It is the voice that monitors my fitness & health

Which it feels is the real wealth

  • Author: safina (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 24th, 2024 00:52
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 13
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Each to their own, Safina. Your poem is so clear, so descriptive that it has scared me from all the way over here...🙃

    And do I indeed detect some ambivalence there??

    • NafisaSB

      you are definitely
      anyways, have a great weekend

      • Doggerel Dave

        Always - without a fitbit, which would have finished me off a long time ago.... (cough and wheeze)

        • NafisaSB

          i am beginning to understand why life would be better off without one...though it's a hard habit to wipe off..

        • sorenbarrett

          Sounds like another word for conscience. A most fun write

          • NafisaSB

            i used to think it's a boon, now i have a few doubts...

          • Tony36

            Excellent write

            • NafisaSB

              thank you so much.. glad you liked it..

              • Tony36

                You're welcome

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