Through The Eyes Of Mnemosyne's Muse


through the eyes of Mnemosyne's muse

twelve statues stand as one this Sunday 'morn

each one no more a memory of time.

it is here below the fountain of regret

with my cousins dressed in green askari skin

on vines of dear departed monograms,

one single rock where the black rook stands supreme

this day it seems more ivory

than the paperweight of laborious regime.

I have risen with the mule's design of vogue

held captive with a blue mole on my lip

hissing like a cobra in a dark brown overcoat.

it is almost time to sing and dance and scream;

I am all in white

as pale as snow with my hogshead full

of sacramental wine as dry as mud.

now the great flood flows it's waters through my veins

water-stained with a shamrock on it's skull

it has no heart to navigate 

the red-mustard frills 

that burn my ears a shade I envy most.

all words beyond repair

my lair of cotton 

twinned with the second season of a lung.

my eyes now pink

my diary is full;




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  • Teddy.15

    An outstanding piece as ever,

    Through The Eyes Of Mnemosyne's Muse
    Home>aDarkerMind>Through The Eyes Of Mnemosyne's Muse

    through the eyes of Mnemosyne's muse

    twelve statues stand as one this Sunday 'morn

    each one no more a memory of time.

    it is here below the fountain of regret
    These lines just speak so much. Wonderful talent you have. 🌹

    • aDarkerMind

      thank you Teddy.

      as kind and thoughtful as always.

      and very much appreciated.

    • sorenbarrett

      Powerful words vivid images and hidden metaphors fill this piece

      • aDarkerMind

        many thanks soren for your most kind comment.

      • Bella Shepard

        Without memory we are nothing, we are full of them, they are our reality, good or bad they define us. Exquisite dear poet, exquisite!

        • aDarkerMind

          a very touching comment Bella.
          thank you.

        • Cassie58

          I had to search, The Goddess of Memory.

          one single rock where the black rook
          stands supreme
          this day it seems more ivory

          It is almost time to sing and dance

          I am all in white
          as pale as snow

          Such wonderfully creative lines here, imagery laden. Some memories can really darken our doorstep, but here I felt a move towards light.

          Your uniqueness shines through Melvin.

          • aDarkerMind

            and how well you read my words Cassie.

            many thanks, as always, for your most kind comment.

            and very much appreciated.

            thank you.

          • Thomas W Case

            Brilliant work.

          • Tony36

            Excellent write

            • aDarkerMind

              many thanks Tony

              • Tony36

                You're welcome

              • Dan Williams

                I know who Mnemosyne was but I forgot . . .Seriously some great stuff here "water-stained with a shamrock on it's skull" slays. Nice work.

                • aDarkerMind

                  thank you Dan

                  most kind

                • aDarkerMind

                  thank you Ellen

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