

All of us are astronauts
On a spaceship called the Earth
Hurtling through darkness
From the moment of our birth
Propelled along on complex arcs
By gravity's dark wheels
And all the while the Beast of time
Is nipping at our heels

But we are not the only ones
Who share this cosmic flight
For all our fellow creatures
Sail with us through the night
And everyone must play their part
This vessel to maintain
To set afire this noble ship
Would surely be insane

Onward unto death we fly
But still, we do not rest
For buried in her sacred womb
Our spacecraft does her best
To bear us safely on our way
Into the light somewhere
Don't talk to me of 'outer space'
We are already there


  • Author: jeffburton1 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 25th, 2024 17:44
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 15
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  • Cheeky Missy

    Haha, your closing line dredged up that late '80's movie Inner Space my mother thought quasi acceptable for us kids to watch with our parents and which I bought for myself finally in memory of her.
    We'll not burn it up, made of its dust, albeit it will meet conflagration sooner than most like, according to the Scriptures.
    Fun, thought-provoking, and rather inspiring.
    Thank you for sharing.

    • jeffburton1

      Thank you for reading it.

    • Tony36

      Awesome write

      • jeffburton1


        • Tony36

          You're welcome

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