

I break out in a cold sweat

My hair rises up in alarm

I wonder why I am scared

And what will cause me harm..


Premonition strikes at the oddest of times

But mainly in the dead of night

I fear the roof may fall

I wonder if calamity will call


It is nice to be intuitive

When future seem good and bright

But then arise my doubts

And fill me up with fright


Till I take a deep breath

And calm my weary soul

For that is the only way

That I can become whole

  • Author: safina (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 26th, 2024 00:32
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 28
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  • Doggerel Dave

    I know a competent tradesman who fixes roofs. Says he would be prepared to fix yours for a modest fee plus an expenses paid trip to India and return.... From your last neat stanza it feels like you have everything under control really..... 👍

    • NafisaSB

      tradesman is welcome to visit India anytime, only need to pay airfare [as i am not working any longer or would have paid it for sure]- can be my guest as we have enough space to accommodate family and friends 365/24/7 and will definitely pay the fees for the treatment..
      actually am trying to keep negativity under control, though circumstances are sometimes challenging
      but yes - be my/our guest anytime you feel like visiting

      • Doggerel Dave

        Ah I wish I were a few years younger and I would gazump the worker and come myself....

        It was a very neat little poem.

      • NafisaSB

        you are only as young as you think- so welcome to our humble home anytime
        take care..

      • sorenbarrett

        Call it premonition or panic attack what ever it is a very unpleasant situation. Very nicely written with images enhancing its description.

        • NafisaSB

          yes it is not pleasant while it lasts...

          • sorenbarrett

            Hope it passes well and soon

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