A Soul's Quite Struggle


A Soul's Quiet Struggle

Each morning breaks with echoes of doubt,  
A question whispered in the shadows of my mind:  
Will I ever make it? Will my path unfold,  
Or am I bound by this cruel life’s grind?

My heart has bled with tears, full of regret,  
Dreams shattered by the weight of unfulfilled desires,  
Jobless, though I’ve tried, completed the course,  
But luck’s harsh hand denied my inner fires.

My friends walk roads paved in gold,  
With rich hands guiding, connections strong.  
They dance through life in bright, gilded light,  
While I stumble, shackled by all that’s wrong.

I borrow smiles, lean on pity’s crutch,  
Dependent on the mercy of others’ grace.  
The pain of lacking, of needing so much,  
Has etched deep lines of sorrow on my face.

Sometimes I feel there’s no return,  
No light ahead in this endless night.  
Yet I tell my soul to patiently wait,  
That one day, somehow, I’ll find the light.

But my soul, it shakes, refuses to trust,  
In promises that life has not kept.  
For every step, the world grows harder still,  
And each tear, it burns, though I’ve wept.

I’m only 21, youth should be my shield,  
But I’ve been through battles most never know.  
And though I feel the urge to yield,  
To give up on this relentless woe,

I pause, I breathe, I take one more stride,  
For in the struggle, I still survive.  
I ask, is it worth it, this endless fight?  
But giving up, it’s not quite right.

So I’ll walk this path, through doubt and pain,  
Hoping one day, the sun will break through.  
For in this life, where losses reign,  
I’ll find a way to begin anew.

  • Author: Fanita530 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 26th, 2024 01:12
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 9
  • Users favorite of this poem: Maplespal
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  • sorenbarrett

    Superbly written in good rhyme and a most wonderful flow. The message is a good one and it leaves me the reader with a glow and smile.

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