up and down


Notice of absence from senjuro
if I’m off I’m probably haging out with tanjiro

is there even point in living?

a point in dying?

a point in a scream,

a point in silence,


i woke up yesterday feelin down

i asked myself this is why i frown?

this cant be true,im all alone

theres nothing to do 

theres nothing to say

but go do my work and get my pay!

im tired of livin im tired of people,

a day off work is heaven for me,

im gonna die soon

i know with all this stress

who is this man that comes my way?

the dark ones shriek,

they scream his name

is this the one they say 

can set the captive free,

Jesus rescue me!

  • Author: anime fan (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 26th, 2024 12:31
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 45
  • Users favorite of this poem: LP2187
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Comments +


  • sorenbarrett

    Live for the good times they do come. Nice write

    • senjuro

      thank you soren

    • Doggerel Dave

      I can feel that, just as you have expressed it. But you do know that it is a temporary thing and will pass, don't you Zelda?

      • senjuro

        yes i do

      • Mason Vollman

        Beautiful write Zelda!

        • senjuro


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