Someone once said we're all like stars
Shining bright and beautiful in our own way
But...stars are just so far
And you can't see them in the day
Even though you know they're there
We're always moving, and stars stay where they're put
Maybe, then, we're more like cars then stars
Always rushing about life
And occasionally we all get together and park
Some of us are on highways
Some on country roads
All trying to get home
Headlights blazing in the night
Something beautiful about that thought
Always moving towards a destination
Even though most of us don't know what that destination might be
Some of us think we know
But none of us really do
And sometimes you crash and burn
But you repair and you keep driving
Maybe you need to find a new one if it's bad
It requires a full overhaul but still you drive
And you make up places you think are destinations as you go
Just headlights down the road
Vanishing and reappearing
Sometimes they stay longer
Like a roadtrip
Like a caravan
Stars are to still
Most times you're just passing by
Just long enough to notice the other
PaperFlowerFields (
- Published: August 26th, 2024 14:22
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 9
Great write
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