Bello Casentino


The ghost of Dante, mounted horse
mist in air, early morn 
trees they whisper, taunting clouds 
hovering over forest crowds
dawn's light creeping, piercing through 
onto last nights dusk time view 
leaves crackling under feet 
colours of autumn brown, orange, dark green 
the smell of pungent soaking frond
pools of rain drops 
frogs in pond. 

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  • sorenbarrett

    What an image you paint in poetic ink. It is not just black and white but contains the colors of ghosts and past rides in dusk over hallowed ground. I can hear the heart beat of the forest and the breath of the horse. Lovely

    • Teddy.15

      So very kind dear sorrenbarret, it's certainly an inspiring forest, although it always gives me an eery feeling, I have no idea why. I'm so humbled by your beautiful words. Thank you. 🌹

    • Doggerel Dave

      Richness of sensation provided in so very few words, Teddy. Often I pass poems relating to nature by, but here as I put my nose close to the screen, I swear I smelt that richness.

      • Teddy.15

        Wow Dave, I'm so very humbled, thank you, it's certainly a magical forest any time of year. 🌹

      • MendedFences27

        Wonderful images. Like being in the forest. Well-spoken in a few words and yet picturesque. Loved "The Ghost of Dante." It set the tone. - Phil A.

        • Teddy.15

          He is definitely there dear Phil, thank you dear friend. 🌹

        • Dan Williams

          Yes! Perfect imagery! Very well done.

          • Teddy.15

            Thank you so much dear Dan, I know this forest very well. 🌹

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