The balance of Faith



I sit in the quiet, where thoughts converge,  
Wondering where I should place my trust,  
In the whispers of science, or the chants of the church,  
Or perhaps in the silence within my own heart’s dust.

Religion stands tall with a cross and a creed,  
But shadows grow long beneath its holy walls,  
Money changes hands where faith should lead,  
And innocence is broken by those who should heed the call.

The hands that bless sometimes stain with sin,  
Harsh judgments cast from pulpits high,  
Those who should heal tear the spirit thin,  
Leaving believers questioning, asking why.

But science too, with its calculated mind,  
Is not without flaw in its quest for truth,  
Answers are given, yet some still blind,  
To the mysteries that stretch beyond our youth.

It’s progress and power that science seeks,  
Yet it falters where the soul resides,  
For in equations and theories, the heart grows weak,  
And meaning slips through the cracks it hides.

So here I sit, in this twilight zone,  
Between what I see and what I feel,  
Should I trust in others, or stand alone,  
In a world where nothing is quite real?

Religion falters, science stumbles too,  
Both with their virtues, both with their lies,  
And here in the middle, it's hard to choose,  
When every path seems to lead to disguised ties.

Maybe the truth is not just one,  
Not found in books or lab coats white,  
But in the balance of all we’ve done,  
And the quiet within, where darkness meets light.

So I trust in myself, though I don’t have the key,  
To all the answers or the reason why,  
But perhaps it’s enough, just to be,  
A seeker of truth, under an endless sky.

  • Author: Fanita530 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 28th, 2024 01:01
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 11
  • Users favorite of this poem: Qurrathul Ain
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  • orchidee

    I prefer to call it 'Christianity', 'faith', or 'belief' rather than 'religion.
    I think religion is the cause of some problems.
    We could say, in one sense, e.g. 'He religiously goes to football matches' in that he goes every week, never misses a match, etc.

    • Fanita530

      What about the science bit

      • orchidee

        I think that science can go along with, and agree with, beliefs. I don't think science has to try to prove, or disprove, spiritual beliefs.

      • Doggerel Dave

        I enjoyed the structure, rhythm and rhyme very much, including the argument within.
        With respect to that argument:
        - Faith and the institutions supporting can be different and occasionally corrupt.
        - With science the theory/method can be pure, the humans involved, as with the above, sometimes less so.
        - Religion asks ‘why?’
        - Science asks ‘how?’
        For the record, I’m an atheistic agnostic, should you want to ask.

        • Fanita530

          Yeah I just wanted to understand religion and science but religion has many flaws which makes me ask why while science has it's own findings which I ask how

          • Doggerel Dave

            Can be lifelong questions and studies - good luck with your search.

            • Fanita530

              Just added another poem maybe you can check and tell me what you think of that it's called a scroll of paper

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