
If people could read minds , there wouldn’t be a criminal or a liar
If I could time travel, would the future me be happy to see the present disaster ?

A Random Thought, 2 B Caught Up N A Random Thought.
Taught 2 Write, Capture, & Collect Each Random Thought.
Random Thought, Powerful Or Inconsequential.
Hopeful & Thoughtful, Iz How I Hope 2 Make U As I Present 2 U Many A Random Thought.

  • Authors: Nephophile(e) (Pseudonym), Broken Ankh
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: September 12th, 2024 13:00
  • Limit: 15 stanzas
  • Invited: Public (any user can participate)
  • Comment from author about the poem: Any random thought in free verse
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 9
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