An Ode To The Kookaburra



Have you ever met the magnificent kookaburra?

Cheeky he is, did you know he giggles?

I wonder what could possibly make him do that?

his sense of humor, somewhat a tool I suppose?

after all, he does have to sing for his supper
and his clothes are pretty bright too

sitting, perched on a gum tree waiting patiently 
for a mouse or even a snake to devour 

supper on the table in no time?
I wonder does he imagine ice-scream and Mozart with that?

now I suspect… you think I’m mad?

I often think there’s a kookaburra in all us poets?

after all, we are graciously colorful 

we stand on our perch
we laugh, we cry, we sing

and we also triumph
feeding our hunger
with words of magic

from deep within our souls

that help us take flight.

  • Author: Teddy.15 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 1st, 2024 02:24
  • Comment from author about the poem: Written for a fellow Poet, Rory.
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 14
  • Users favorite of this poem: aDarkerMind, sorenbarrett
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  • aDarkerMind

    another work of art from the gifted pen of Teddy.

    a most superbly written poem my friend.

    • Teddy.15

      Thank you dear Melvin, I'm good I hope you are too my lovely poet friend. 🌹

    • sorenbarrett

      Teddy I love the personification of the kookaburra as a poet. I see all nature as poetry, sublime, right that my mind and words are not capable of putting into a poem that does it justice. I wonder if the kookaburra also would like a glass of wine? Very nice

      • Teddy.15

        Most humbled that you love this, thank you dearest sorrenbarret 🌹

      • Dan Williams

        His cry is often mistaken for laughing. By itself that makes this poem a winner.

        • Teddy.15

          Thank you dear Dan. 🌹

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