The Magpies


Notice of absence from Thepoetman1234

Bustling streets heaping with carts

And horses and walking moving parts

But amid these towers are the people "living"

The people who manage to make their nest by shivving


The Suburban man walking through the main busy world

All on his mind is his job, his wife and the money he's curled

But the "people" have came and see his riches 

So they swoop in and take the jewels, the diamonds and escape to the ditches


Back to the nest they go 

Or should I say the sewer

There mothers feed the child little food

and the above feel bad of them as a fewer

  • Author: William Kennedy (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 2nd, 2024 14:22
  • Comment from author about the poem: The magpie is a type of bird that usually steals metal shiny material, well at least that's what my theater teacher told me. My poem is set in Whitechapel, London, 1888, on the busy market street, some believe that people used to live under the sewer which is why I made this poem. Hope you like :)
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
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  • Doggerel Dave

    'Whitechapel, London, 1888' - talking Jack here? Got that, but it's the connection (not literally, obviously) with the folks living under sewers that I'm having difficulty with...come on - fess up, what do you know? Interesting.😊

    • Thepoetman1234

      Makes the story better tho 🙂

      • Doggerel Dave

        ...... and I thought it was fact....😂

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