reach out


when life gets you down and no ones there to care
reach out to someone let them know your there
dont sit there and bottle it let it overload
reach out tell someone dont let your mind explode

we all need someone to tell our troubles to
people who are there to give there help to you
it happens to us all as through life we go
theres people who can help  if you just let them know

  • Author: jim56 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 3rd, 2024 05:10
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 32
  • Users favorite of this poem: Vishakha
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  • Caring dove

    True ) sometimes we need help

    • jim56

      we do help is out there if you reach out
      thankyou for comment means a lot xx

    • Cassie58

      Wise words Jim, yet sadly some do not reach out when they need help. A problem shared is a problem halved. Hope you have had a good day today and maybe spent some time in your garden.

      • jim56

        been there myself so know what its like
        we march on what ever life brings
        been raining all day here supposed to be for a few days
        have to wait and see so just have to think about gardening for now
        did you see my video about ukraine i wrote song aswell

        hi Cassie how are you getting better i hope you still taking wine medicine lol
        how are eyes any better now take it easy and wine medicine be better in no time
        thank you for your always lovely comment and my smile xxx

      • sorenbarrett

        I’m most encouraging read. This seems based upon the goodness of human nature. The most positive outlook.

        • jim56

          if we reach out we get help if not it gets worse i suppose
          been there a long time ago know the feeling
          thankyou for your lovely comment means a lot xx

        • Caring dove

          Yeah some people need help .. but not everybody asks for help when they need it

        • Caring dove

          Some people won’t reach out for help even tho they have problems .. sad , really

        • Caring dove

          Some people don’t think they have a problem when really they do

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