The day that broke our hearts


Innocent people went to work

From CEO to office clerk

Mothers, fathers, husbands, wives

Regular people, regular lives


A sunny Tuesday, early morn

We were attacked without warn

Silver missiles, people inside

Hit their marks, our nation cried


As smoke and fire filled the street

The calls would bring New York’s elite

They rushed to help, to death condemned

New York Police and Firemen


Into the injured giants they rushed

Never knowing the lives they touched

They searched for all who could be saved

In the horror that they braved


Ash and paper fell like snow

People jumped, nowhere to go

Then as a dream each tower did fall

And covered our land with a dusty pall


Through blinding smoke and bloodshot eyes

We searched for towers in the sky

Burning rubble where they once did stand

Became a different symbol of our land


It felt as if time eternal stood still

As we stared up at the burning hill

As mental fog began to fade

Hard decisions would now be made


Digging with hands, with luck a tool

What did we do for a fate so cruel

Mixed in the rising smoke toward heaven

Were the innocent souls of 9/11


So many people with a vacant stare

Lucky to just have dust covered hair

And all the others with mouths agape

Shocked at the randomness of their escape


Doctors and nurses stare but don’t talk

With stretchers for those unable to walk

It hits them hard as they stand on the pave

These angels would have no one to save


With loving reverence, we searched to find

Something to give a little piece of mind

To all of those who lost a love

And must accept they now live above


The pile shrank as time went by

Smoke no longer filled the sky

We said goodbye to those we lost

Then came to find another cost


We didn’t just lose those taken that day

We soon learned of another way

That death would come for so many more

Victims of an invisible war


Decades since the towers fell

And turned New York into a hell

New sicknesses to face, we learn

Make many, sadly, wait their turn


Looking back, we did our best

An awful time, but we were blessed

To be a part of Gods plan

To help protect our fellow man


As we remember that awful day

We often cry, and often pray

That love prevails and healing starts

Since the day that broke our hearts

  • Author: Pappy155 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 3rd, 2024 06:42
  • Comment from author about the poem: Just a few of my thoughts of time spent at the World Trade Center 23 years ago
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 6
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  • Doggerel Dave

    My sympathy. Innocent people die in war.

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