We are builders


Oh, we’re builders yes we’re builders, and we get things done

When we bend right over, we show our tattoos


We eat egg, sausage and beans before we start

But by 9 in the morning, all we do is work


Oh, we’re builders yes, we’re builders and we drink lots of tea

We then go behind a bush just to have a look around

  • Author: emptypot (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 3rd, 2024 15:43
  • Comment from author about the poem: I\\\'ve tried very hard to convince my grandboys that it\\\'s funnier if they DON\\\'T use the obvious rhyme . . . but they don\\\'t understand this . . .yet
  • Category: Children
  • Views: 10
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Neva mind the grandkids...I got it!😂

  • Tony36

    Great write

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