10:09 pm


Fluid movement

life stays in motion

wish I was a fluent lover

instead my eludent hearts taking cover

trying to avoid dirty romance diluent

heart cage filled with liquid coolant

maybe this is what they consider abluent

wash away, dissolve, get through it

now i’m seeing floral patterns

her lovely presence surely matters

witchcraft, toads in hot inked batter

cast iron pot spits it spills and spatters

whatever spell she’s casting I have no clue

but it has me feeling way less blue .




  • Author: NightCoffee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 4th, 2024 21:12
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 9
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  • MR.apocalypse

    i love this i also find this incredibly halarious your completly head over heels lol

  • sorenbarrett

    Wonderful wording in this poem. It is well concocted with its own witchery and spells. Great write

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