Under the Celestial Canvas


She traces constellations in the dim,
fingers gliding over star maps,
while the moon leans in,
a spectator in the ink-black sky.

On those Tuesday nights,
when her laughter erupts like meteor showers,
and your gaze follows the trail of her joy,
as if chasing comet dust across a velvet field.

In the soft glow of the waning moon,
your hands entwine,
like two vines spiraling around the same tree,
each leaf whispering secrets of the cosmos.

She hums melodies of the Milky Way,
and you listen,
eyes tracing the arc of a distant galaxy,
where dreams drift like stardust,
settling on the curve of her smile.

Each night, you build constellations with her,
connecting stars with invisible threads,
sketching the story of your hearts
across the endless expanse of the night,
a cosmic dance in the quiet dark.

In the vastness of the universe,
her laughter is a nova,
bright and fleeting,
her touch a supernova’s pulse,
burning through the void between you.

Together, you navigate the celestial sea,
where love’s gravity pulls at your souls,
anchoring them in a tender orbit,
forever adrift in the constellation of your shared sky.

  • Author: Mickey (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 6th, 2024 09:29
  • Comment from author about the poem: This evocative poem weaves a celestial tapestry of love, blending the grandeur of the cosmos with the intimacy of a romantic relationship. The imagery of tracing constellations and following meteor showers captures the wonder and connection between the lovers, while the moon and stars serve as witnesses to their shared moments. Each stanza delicately paints their love as a cosmic dance, where laughter and touch are likened to stellar phenomena like novas and supernovas. The poem beautifully illustrates how their love, much like the universe, is boundless and eternal, with their hearts orbiting in a tender, celestial embrace. It’s a celebration of how love transcends the ordinary, connecting souls in a shared, infinite sky. 🌌 ✨ 🌟 πŸ’« πŸŒ™ 🌠 🌜 πŸͺ πŸ’– πŸ’« 🌠 πŸ‘« πŸ’ πŸŒ’ πŸŒ• πŸŒ— πŸͺ ⭐ πŸͺ πŸ’« 🌟 🌺
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 8
  • Users favorite of this poem: Qurrathul Ain
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  • Caring dove

    Beautiful writing ))

    • _Mickey_

      Thank you!

    • Tony36


      • _Mickey_

        I know right!

        • Tony36

          You're welcome

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