Night changes

adnan it is

Turns out things change

Usuals become strange

The moment of remembering moments'

Ends with a 'hey'


It needed to be unveiled, It needed to be out

For what it meant to me, For which I didn't doubt

And then there was a night

I cried with happiness as if it was right

For a moment there i had everything i wanted

And upon closing my eyes i felt the bond bonded....


But the call didn't care,

everything was too good to be true

The night did change and old equations passed through.

  • Author: adnan it is (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 7th, 2024 05:40
  • Comment from author about the poem: I all strated when I wore my heart on my sleeves and yessssss!!!! It all went as I wished. Everything felt so right really and I had this surge of happiness never felt ever and then in a conversation over a call somethings happened and afterwards.....find in the poem
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 11
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