lovebird song


i saw a little lovebird sat up in a tree
sitting on the branches looking down at me
then he sang a song a lovely melody
made feel so happy and filled my heart with glee

he had lots of colors there were quite a few
yellow red and green and a lovely shade of blue
singing there so sweetly his little song of love
singing it to me in the branches up a above..

he sat there while as happy as can be
then he flew away and waved goodbye to me
i still here his song as i lay in bed
his lovely melody is still there in my head.

  • Author: jim56 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 7th, 2024 06:07
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
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  • Cassie58

    Bird song is so lovely to listen to Jim. This
    poem is a delightful Saturday read. Another dull day here, but no rain. Eye is better, no more medicine, but maybe a glass of wine will help fix the other bits of me needing attention lol. Have a great day.

    • jim56

      i wont ask what other bits are lol
      i hear the birds every morning
      nice to wake up to overcast here
      warm tho 20 degrees on computor

      glad to here eye getting better
      keep taking wine for eyes and other bits anyway
      recommended by doctor jim
      thanks for always lovely comments
      and my smiles have good week end xxx

    • Tony36

      Love it

      • jim56

        thakyou for comment

        • Tony36

          You're welcome

        • Caring dove

          We all need things to bring us comfort and make us happy . Nice writing

          • jim56

            thankyou for comment means a lot

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