The beauty of night

Saleh Ben Saleh

I raised my sight towards the heavens, and stared deep into the night.


There is no sound but the sound of silence, or maybe the sound of space out of sight.


On earth I have seen many wonders, but none like the sky when alight.


Scattered stars into the black glitter, some fairly dim and some glow too bright.


Some for the naked eye are clear, to saddened hearts they bring delight.


In some you can see formations, but others are too far apart.


To man the universe may seem simple, or just a display of celestial art.


A vast knowledge beyond our comprehension, Godly creation that we can’t explain.


Some knowledge mankind has mastered, but what lies beyond will drive you insane.


I see a shooting star there in the distance, in silence a humble servant I remain.

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Comments +


  • Tony36

    Excellent write

    • Saleh Ben Saleh

      Thank you my friend.

      • Tony36

        You're welcome

      • Cassie58

        For as long as I can remember I have been a star gazer Saleh. There is much to see and ponder on in the black velvet night sky. The silence makes it a perfect experience. Wonderful description in your lines. A poem very much enjoyed dear poet.

        • Saleh Ben Saleh

          Cassie, you are not only a good poetess, but also a romantic one. Gazing at the sky at night opens your eyes to some of the great wonders of this creation.
          Thank you my friend.

        • sorenbarrett

          I have always loved the night and its splendor. When young I remember being able to see so many stars, before light pollution. your poem speaks to the splendor of the heavens and so speaks to my heart.

          • Saleh Ben Saleh

            I feel you have a wonderful heart as true poets do.
            Thank you my friend.

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