I Am Not A Poet

Mason Vollman

I am not a poet

I just write words that rhyme

Simple stupid things like:

Time and dime.

I am not a poet

That thought is a mistake.

I can't make beauty and landscapes, words on a page.

I am not a poet, 

and I never ever will,

One big reason is: Poets have skill.

I am not a poet,

I'm just trying to rhyme.

A bored little boy,

Trying to waste his time.

I am not a poet, 

That thought is a dream.

One way to describe me would be:

Death or a scream.

I am not a poet,

Deep down you know it,

A poet can flow,

and that I can't show.

If you think I'm a poet,

You sure the hell don't know,

The only thing I can fit on paper is scribbles, and it's gross.

No trees

No snow

No leaves

To blow.

No sky

No clouds

Can't make no one cry, nor frown.

I am not a poet

Maybe in a fantasy.

In a different nation

Or even different reality.

I am only a poet, in my imagination,

Throw me on the tracks at a trainstation,

Cause I ain't a poet,

And I ain't faking, hating, or mistaken.

I'm stating facts,

And I can prove it.

Yeah, I write poems...

But I am not a poet.


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  • senjuro

    Ohh u made me cry when I read that one mason u are a poet and u know itπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    • Mason Vollman

      Nope, lol.
      And I tottttallllllyyyyy made you cry...
      (Rolls eyes)

      • senjuro

        U really did mason vollman

        • senjuro

          I cried because you cannot see your own abilities

          • Mason Vollman

            I can. I'm just not a poet

            • senjuro

              Liar liar u are too a poet

              • Mason Vollman

                Nope I'm not and I don't wanna be

                • senjuro

                  Well u are anyway so too bad so sad

                  • Mason Vollman

                    .....that's sad.....

                  • senjuro

                    Lol ik it is

                  • MR.apocalypse

                    you reconised my talent that takes talent of its self your not to much younger than me all it takes is more practice your work is alredy very good

                  • Mutley Ravishes

                    You are not the poetry
                    The poetry is not you
                    It's just something
                    You and I do!

                    • Mason Vollman

                      Yep! Just to pass time for me and my emotions, lol.

                    • Salvia.S

                      Conclusion : You don't have to be a poet to write poetry.

                      Anyway, I like your poem and you do have a skill in poetry. Thank you!

                      • Mason Vollman

                        Thanks Salvia, I feel the name 'Poet' doesn't seem to match me, lol.

                      • Neilton

                        Wow exactly how I feel most of the times! But this poem was pretty amazing!

                      • sorenbarrett

                        A most interesting view. I always heard that if it sounds like a duck and it looks like a duck it`s a duck.

                        • Mason Vollman

                          Thanks Soren, you made me laugh. I believe that with ducks. But with poets; If it sounds like a poet, and it looks like a poet, it's not a poet. Lol

                        • Saleh Ben Saleh

                          Apart from being noble and honorable one of the main characteristics of a true poet is modesty, and that you are poet.
                          I very much enjoyed your poem.

                          • Mason Vollman

                            Thank you so much Saleh!

                          • unknownfemalepoet

                            Great poem πŸ™‚

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