The Last Dark Day


the last dark day

tomorrow now more flicker than a flame

on a silent edge of nowhere

a pancreas for the button of a fly.

it is now this world untangles in a stream.

no water-bed for the high arch of a foot

walking through the hydra of incontinence and mist.

and it cannot hiss

it cannot crawl through the dead mouth of a mole.

picking petals from the cancer of the sun

from where came the barnyard owls of cornish blue.

too many pieces glued as one supreme

black peppercorn alone as still unseen.

it is here I stand with my onion brain attatched

to the fallen rock with my fingers on it's back.

there are too many cracks from where dark soldiers crawl.

I have counted seven hours

still my blood flies higher than a crow

to a land of snow where the ice-trees glint and glow.

doubled-up with the pains of a plain-white pearl

with lungs that breathe a coal-mines dust

in a manic state with a bridal-gown 

stuffed with straw, hanging like a fig.

it is time for tea and biscuits.

now I can see the naked legs of a Sunday tide

walking through this last dark day

with a sparkle in it's eyes;





  • Author: Melvin James (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 8th, 2024 06:16
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, Cassie58
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  • sorenbarrett

    Enigmatic, lines evoking images and painting patterns I`ve not seen..Curiously entertaining.

    • aDarkerMind

      most kind soren.

      thank you.

    • Teddy.15

      Wow and wow dear Melvin, incredible imagery and kudos on that last line. 🌹

      • aDarkerMind

        thank you Teddy.

        very much appreciated, as always.

      • Cassie58

        You take your readers on a fascinating journey with such creative and imaginative imagery and description. I felt as though I had waded through black treacle to find the tea and biscuits. The final four lines end in positivity. A sparkle in the eyes has to be a good sign and the last dark day has to be welcomed with arms wide open. Intriguing write Melvin. Have a super Sunday.

        • aDarkerMind

          most kind Cassie, as always.

          and yes, something positive has come from this.

          you have a good day as well.

        • Dan Williams

          As bitter as me, but the last line tempers it. Nice work.

          • aDarkerMind

            thank you Dan.

            a happy ending of sorts I will say.

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