In Nature's Lap

Mark The Phenomenon

The treetops sway,
With sunlight's kiss to greet the day.
A river hums its endless song,
As flowers bloom where they belong.

The mountains stand in regal grace,
Their silent watch is a true embrace.
Each breeze that dances through the leaves,
Unfolds the magic nature weaves.

Beneath deep skies so vast and blue,
Life stirs anew with every hue.
From morning mist to twilight's glow,
Nature wraps us in her flow.

In wild repose or vibrant throng,
We find ourselves where we belong—
In harmony with the earth and sky,
A timeless bond that cannot die.
The breezes play,
Through emerald leaves on a sunlit day.
Mountains stand with their timeless grace,
As rivers dance in nature’s arms.

The flowers bloom, a vibrant hue,
Each petal is kissed by morning dew.
Birds take flight in a sky so wide,
Nature's bounty cannot be hidden.

The ocean sings of secrets deep,
Where mysteries of the waters sleep.
Stars emerge when daylight fades,
In twilight’s arms, each shadow wades.

A tranquil heart is what we find—
In nature's lap—a peace entwined.

  • Author: Mark The Phenomenon (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 9th, 2024 09:02
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: Caring dove
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  • Tony36

    Love it

  • Caring dove

    Lovely writing ))

  • orchidee

    A fine write M.

  • sorenbarrett

    Beauty is nature it is only a matter of noticing it, seeing it, and appreciating it.

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