I do care

Meera Mere

Actually, I care

I do care, a lot

But I might never put it up-

I am scared,

Scared I will be another pawn,

Scared I will be another joke,

I am scared I will be too available,

I am scared I will be the only one drowning.

And you'll watch me screaming from the sore.

  • Author: Meera Mere (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 12th, 2024 00:00
  • Comment from author about the poem: I do care but most times I am just out of words~
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 35
  • Users favorite of this poem: Qurrathul Ain
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  • Maplespal

    Just excepted it all and you won't be scared.
    and no we won't just watch you scream, we will scream with you.

    • Meera Mere

      We will scream with you had me😂
      Thank you though~

    • Tony36

      Great write

      • Meera Mere

        Thank you~

        • Tony36

          You're welcome

        • adnan it is

          Beautiful work!! You have expressed this rather complicated feeling in a simpler manner..

          • Meera Mere

            Thank you😊

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