Showing My Love

Mason Vollman

Ima put you through hell,

And pray that you make it.


Things will get hard,

But I know you can take it.


Its making you stronger,

Know this is true.


Understand what i'm doing,

I'm showing love to you.


Know that I love you,

When I leave you on your own.


Pushing you out of the nest,

To build your own dome.


This is love, and I care,

I can see that it glows.


Stay strong and aware,

Cause one day I will go.


Remember my son, Time does pass,

It may be day, blink twice and its night.


Sometimes you gotta take a chance,

Sometimes you gotta roll the dice.


Money can't buy you love,

Cause it's overpriced.


Remember my love,

Lies grow deep.


Listen more than talk,

For talk is cheap.


Remember to keep it real,

But also whats right.


And I don't mean right in humanity's lies,

I mean real in yours and Gods eyes.


If you don't stand for something,

You'll fall for anything.


I know the worlds disturbing,

But keep standing for liberty.


When things get hard,

Sit down and breathe.


Don't give in to frustration, temptation,

Stay clean.


I know things are dim,

Stay calm and breathe.


Let your eyes adjust to the dark,

Then again you can see.


I know it may be hard,

To understand me.


But understand what i'm doing,

This is love can't you see?


Ima put you through hell,

And pray that you make it.


Things will get hard,

But I know you can take it.


Its making you stronger,

Know this is true.


Understand what i'm doing,

I'm showing love to you.






Im gonna say something so listen,
Open your ears, ignore your opinion,
Theres billions of children,
But none as full of precision, as you,
none as kind as this one, its true,
We got a big issue,
the amount of good people in this world are few,
not many people are true to you,
So listen to me, while i continue,
Get over your 'Booing',
and see what i've been through.
When things are hard, know i'm there for you,
when the world goes dim, know i care for you,
understand what i'm doing, i'm showing love to you,
so in the darkest storm, i'll go through it with you,
In those scary moments, know i love you,
In the darkest streets, I'll walk through it with you,
understand what i'm doing, i'm showing love to you,
you are my world, and I have proof love is true,
Its you.

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  • senjuro

    Heyyy that’s cool poem

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