

Diplomacy’s an art unlike other arts

For it deceives both the minds and the hearts

It’s the ability to take something from a man

And make him think he’s giving it if you can.


It’s the art of cutting the other fellow’s throat

While impressing on him that Honesty is your forte

It’s the trick of wearing another man’s coat

To make him think you are sailing in his boat


The diplomat, as you know, is a very clever man

Whose business is to outwit whenever he can

He’s the man who always thinks not once but twice

Before he starts to roll out the dice


He may think a lot and yet not say

A word, since it might give him away

He’s cautious and careful, at each and every step

He takes many steps to retain vigor and pep


He knows what to do when he meets his match

That a drop of honey will more flies catch

Than a barrel of vinegar ever can do

And soon he shows all his colors true.



A diplomat’s a man respected by all

He never does falter , never does he fall

He’s feared by many, but loved only be few

He’s often held in awe for the things he can do

  • Author: safina (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 12th, 2024 23:54
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 6
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  • Doggerel Dave

    A very ambivalent attitude to a Diplomat, If I may say so….
    I confess that at times I wasn’t absolutely certain if you were focusing on the professional Diplomat or a quality in an otherwise ordinary individual….
    If the professional, I would say that they might achieve more than your average politician who goes in with his boots on.
    If however the individual is in focus, then I tend to see such a person as potentially a hypocrite…..
    A thoughtful write, Safina.

    • NafisaSB

      the focus here is on the hypocrite who is diplomatic enough to sit on the fence and not commit himself.
      most professional diplomats who represent their country are educated and qualified people who are brave enough to speak their minds, though once in a way one does see a person who fits the bill as given above ..

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