Thank you because you do that


Notice of absence from Lil
If I don't respond in a few minutes I am probably at School, sleeping, with family/ friends, or forgot to bring my device.

The days get longer
The nights get colder
The pain gets longer
Happiness doesn't matter
You wake up in the middle of the night
And your cry yourself to bed
Wondering when this day will ever end
Then you meet someone who makes you laugh
Someone who makes you smile
And he is worth the wait for a while
I want someone who can put a smile on my face
Even when I am down
So thank you because you do that
I want a person who gets me and listens to me talking
Thank you because you do that
Your the reason I want to be here
The reason I'm still going to school because sir its you
I got the biggest crush on you and now you do to
So thank you because you do that

  • Authors: Lil-M-M (Pseudonym)
  • Visible: All lines
  • Published: September 13th, 2024 18:22
  • Limit: 1 day (It ends on September 14th September 18:22)
  • Invited: Public (any user can participate)
  • Comment from author about the poem: So there is this guy named John (not the one from here) and me and him are now dating. I've liked him since the first day of school and I helped him around bc he was new so I spent some time with him.😁😁😁😁😆😆 And he lightens up my day when I see him
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 0
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