Isn't that enough for a lifetime?


Notice of absence from DeadRose
Preforming thought experiments.
or experimenting anything
chemistry or physics
to sedate my boredom.

so you and i, we’ll sit, and stare

up, watch the clouds, whatever goes on up there

what goes on within your thoughts, i often wonder, 

do I come off as someone insane or dumber?


talkative one moment, standoffish the next,

knowledgeable with no common sense?

emotional intelligence of zero,

but witty as any antihero?

if only you resided in the crevices of my head,

so i may treat myself as kindly - never mislead.

  • Author: DeadRose (Online Online)
  • Published: September 14th, 2024 11:05
  • Category: Friendship
  • Views: 1
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