

Taught by dad to never cry, I never asked, but wondered why

Sadness and pain I always kept inside of me, I never wept


Push the pain down deep inside, if you can’t you’d better hide

I knew that if the tears began, I would never be a man


The ocean, cancer, and a tree took teenage friends from me

An aunt, an uncle, far too soon, yet no emotion, I was immune


My dangerous job, lost many a friend. That pent up pain just wouldn’t end

Then came the day that couldn’t be, we lost three hundred forty-three


We said goodbyes day by day, my eyes bone dry as I would pray

The day I longed for finally came, an unknown stranger absolved my pain


Off to a funeral I stopped for tea but the man behind said “It’s on me”

He shook my hand and said thank you for all the things you brave men do


I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak, I barely stood with legs now weak

Into my car but I couldn’t go, rivers of tears did now flow


Inside that car I know I cried for all the people I knew that died

A simple act is all it took, a simple act, a sincere look


To break the chains of forty years of an inability to shed some tears

It took forty years to understand that I can cry and be a man

  • Author: Pappy155 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 16th, 2024 09:13
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 8
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  • Tony36

    Excellent write

    • Pappy155

      Thank you!!

      • Tony36

        You're welcome

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