Take Me With You

Mason Vollman

Take me with you to tomorrow,

Take me with you to the end,

Take me with you through the sorrow,

Take my heart and let it mend.

The world as we know it, is facing hell,

Since virus, after virus, after flu fell.

The government and elites, gaining debted wealth,

Ludicrous family's losing health.

Communist humanity is just over the hill,

Laws against Liberty being placed still,

Unseen electrical storms, 

So they say it's from the streams,

Buying up all the farms,

Cutting down all the trees,

Building bombs everyday,

Yet they're screaming for peace.

Take me with you yesterday,

Let's rewind before the hurt,

Take me with you to better days,

Tomorrow is only getting worse.

Take me with you to tommorow,

Take your money and go buy dirt,

Remember what's important in life,

Remember loves your only worth.

Take me with you,

Make it quick,

Let's leave together,

From this world of sick.


What's this?

Artificial Intelligence?

Elementary kids passing every grade ever since.

But don't worry, A.I. Shit is only a hint,

Until jobs are taken over by it, and it becomes a hit.

Let's rethink-

Let's rethink TV's, EV's, social media and IG.

Let's rethink, Life, elections, strife, infections.
Faith, the nation, M.A.I.D, and vaccinations.

Let's make a change,

Or leave this place.

It's not worth living,

In the way things are made.

Take me with you to yesterday,

Take me with you to the past,

Take me with you to better days,

Take me with you, because I can't last.

I know you all think this is a game,

Life is not about fashion and fame,

I know it may feel like you are restrained,

Start by breaking these chains,

Let's make a change.

Let's not be strained,

Push past this stage,

Worlds full of hate,

Yet God stays great,

Let's make a change,

Let's change our fate,

Let's break these chains,

Let's kill this hate.


Take me with you.

  • Author: Mason Vollman (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 16th, 2024 23:52
  • Comment from author about the poem: These fools make me feel like kickin the stool.
  • Category: Letter
  • Views: 19
  • Users favorite of this poem: LP2187
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  • senjuro

    Amazing mason

  • NafisaSB

    the way the world is shaping up - one definitely wants a rewind to the good old days [if there were any]
    wonderful poem, keep it coming

  • Mutley Ravishes

    It`s plain to see
    That this present humanity
    Is not ready
    But that`s okay
    What if others
    Are on their way?
    Start again, brand new day

    • Mason Vollman

      So true! Thanks Mutley.

    • Dan Williams

      Bravo and amen brother. This should be required reading in our government controlled schools. Nice work.

    • Bren Wrights

      "Artificial Intelligence?
      Elementary kids passing every grade ever since.
      But don't worry, A.I. Shit is only a hint,
      Until jobs are taken over by it, and it becomes a hit."

      As someone about to enter the IT field, this really hit me. AI is slowly taking over the world. It's a double-edged sword, but only time will tell if it works for the better or the worst.

      Amazing poem :)!

      • Mason Vollman

        Yes, so true. Thank you so much Bren.

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