Nothing To Say?

Dan Williams

Pulled from the stories of others like me

who lived better lives, better told;

I see my reflection in store windowpanes,

the face that looks back has grown old.

Why am I leaning so hard on today

while forgetting the fact of tomorrow?

Your yesterday folded my brain inside out,

retuned disbelief into sorrow.

We need to look it in the face

before our colors fade;

I surely do intend to keep

the promises that I made.

I try to smile as your time passes by me,

and wonder as mine slips away;

are you thinking the same things as I am

or do you really have nothing to say?

The signals that you might be sending

are encoded too much to be read,

by the time I can figure their meaning

we both might as well be dead.

So goodbye, you will always have a small place

in a heart grown erratic now, irregularly timed.

A tearless smile trying to disguise a sad face

pretended joy I will likely never find.

  • Author: Dan Williams (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 18th, 2024 00:54
  • Comment from author about the poem: Written for someone who will surely never see it, but so what?
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 20
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  • Cassie58

    You certainly have plenty to say here Dan. A sad goodbye from what I can see. Love never seems to be plain sailing, the wind has a habit of dropping out of the sails. I wish you better days ahead and that joy returns. All good wishes.

    • Dan Williams

      Most of my sad poems are about one person whose loss nearly did me in. Thanks very much for the kind words.

    • sorenbarrett

      Beautifully composed Dan it flowed like honey. Loved the rhyme and meter.

      • Dan Williams

        High praise from a master of rhyme and meter. Thanks so much.

      • Tony36


        • Dan Williams

          Thank you, your kind word is much appreciated.

          • Tony36

            You're welcome

          • Tom Dylan

            A perfect poem, Dan, beautiful and sad. A fine write.

          • Doggerel Dave

            A smooth run, Dan. Too good not to let your intended target find it.
            Forget the 'so what', please.

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