

my impotent friend

where now you hide the good luck of a charm?

all stars now bolts that walk the floors of tin.

it is yesterday tomorrow

all grapes are neatly peeled but glowing still.

in a cupboard with old photgraphs

of hollow ears. open mouths. 

a face with a thousand land mines on it's chin.

it is Sunday. it is war!

raw eggs alone with their bayonettes

marching to-and-fro on a protein pill.


today of this and that

like a wise old owl with nappy rash

walking to the grave

with his stilton cheese

and a lovebite on his neck.

head south as told.

it is said that's where the friendly blood shall meet

to die on stage with forgotten lines

while a princess shoots her arrows through a heart.

a beating heart in a flame-grilled silhouette.

it is Sunday. it is raw!

am as cold as death-watch beetle

talking to your grave

with my stilton cheese

and your lovebite on my neck.



  • Author: Melvin James (Pseudonym) (Online Online)
  • Published: September 22nd, 2024 03:44
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 21
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • Teddy.15

    I know exactly who this one is for, oh so stunning, flawless imagery and oh my, a very special Sunday trip I suspect most Sundays to taken, soulmates forever. I love every line because you bring every last piece to life but these I love today, probably as I'm a fan of stilton and very rarely find it here unless I go to look for it.
    walking to the grave

    with his stilton cheese

    and a lovebite on his neck.

    Even when a love bite is no longer visible sometimes on those very rare occasions it stays forever. 🌹 Happy Sunday my dear Melvin. Truly magnificent poetry my friend. 🌹

    • aDarkerMind

      most kind Teddy, as always.
      and yes, a trip I take every Sunday without fail.
      we always have much to talk about.

      and working in the world of Dairy, cheese always in abundance here....

      and a heart that beats much stronger these days.

      for your kind words, your kind comments....Thank You.

      • Teddy.15


      • sorenbarrett

        Here the message seems clear in the beginning but fades into the fog of the distance. A meta metaphor in that today seems clear but fades into tomorrow's fog. Yet today is the tomorrow of yesterday and all are one in time. Lovely Melvin

        • aDarkerMind

          thank you very much Soren.

          I appreciate all your kind words.

          tho today belongs to someone very special, the fog is slowly lifting.

        • Dan Williams

          So much so well done. "a face with a thousand land mines on it's chin" or "a beating heart in a flame-grilled silhouette.", just excellent.

          • aDarkerMind

            most kind Dan.

            thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.

          • MaxSmith

            Very well crafted, and enjoyable read.

            Nice work Melvin

            • aDarkerMind

              thank you for yor most kind words Max.
              very much appreciated.

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