Central Law's



When one
Thinks about those Word's
The United States
The Meaning of the Word's
Independent states
With their
Independent laws
With their
Independent people
Who vote for those laws
That sadly
Is being slowly Erased away
Becoming a European 2.o
Just a country
By a stroke of a Pen
  • Author: Drone7 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 22nd, 2024 06:25
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 17
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Comments +


  • Doggerel Dave

    Like to offer some background here?
    Not suggesting an essay, just two or at most three lines in clarification.

    • Drone7

      I don't know why
      But I like to write
      This way
      Maybe coz I'm self taught
      I never learnt to write sayings
      What one would call

      Thank you
      For reading

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