Through Darkness, Towards Justice


In shadows deep, where greed resides,

The lost souls wander, burdened, bound,

Their hunger vast, their hearts confined,

In darkness, where no hope is found.


Yet through the night, a spark ignites,

A flicker in the coldest air,

The cry of those denied their rights,

Who dream of justice, fierce and fair.


On paths of change, the chains give way,

The hearts of many rise and sing,

And with each step, a brighter day,

A world reborn from suffering.


Above the flames, a sky of grace,

Where love and truth ascend the throne,

For even hell, with all its space,

Must bow before a love full grown.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf

  • Author: GeekSusie (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 22nd, 2024 07:33
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 9
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  • Doggerel Dave

    A thin sliver of optimism well writ, when all I can see is a world headed for the gurgler...

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