Truth Be Told


Day is night and night is day

Death is life and vice versa

The war on truth has gone full throttle

The imperium is resolute her truth must prevail

Garroters, serial butchers are now saviors

As they kill for fun, reveling in their chilling tasks

Impunity their shield assured by super power complicity

Impervious to fact or truth, cries or pleas

Indifferent to the sight of blood they spill


To a holocaust once suffered

Raining another on a people guiltless

One and all powers crave the genocidal cake

Blood, flesh and bones the icing

Relishing the sanguine horror unleashed

As paying tourists witness and enjoy

Macabre scenes of a farrago of charred bodies

Mountains of rubble emptied of life

Savagery now equals refinement


Centuries of native tuition

Escorted by enslavement, theft and abasement

To date, relations frozen in timeless fixation

Immovable as time is stood still

As rulers cling doggedly to power

Ushering more brutal epochs to their hapless subjects

Made impotent by swords and fake alms

For lesser people in lesser nations

Educated to a standstill

In the image of their colonizers

Surrendering their uniqueness

Without genuine substitutes

Their fellows – peasants – beaming with pride

Do not refer to their colonizers

To validate their identity; it is default, inborn


Power is now bestowed to a tiny nation

With colossal Zionist balls

More brutal than their imperial dogs

Whose tails they wag at will

Obeying vicious scriptural dictates

Of days long gone

Choosing rancor over empathy

Pain over joy, disease over health

Death over life, war over peace, hate over mercy

As they tutor their adults and toddlers on the dark arts


Silence is prescribed to gag

All who dare censure the empire’s diktats

While claiming tenure of the democratic creed

Thriving only in their minds and those of their quislings

A satanic god complex for lesser mortals to adulate

The architect of evil now reigns over us

Leaving us with no escape

Save for human resilience that must prevail


Forcing elected reps to applaud a leading criminal

Who then returns to Zion to finish off stranded men

Their women, children, healers and journos

They label terrorists anyone daring to challenge

Their narratives, versions of truth and morals

Or lies and a hefty penchant for dystopia

To shove down the throats of their cronies


Weapons destined for deception

For later use in ruin ‘n annihilation

Now going nuclear

In a final war to end all wars

Where winners take all

In the final thrust to Armageddon

But rubble will be the only wretched winners’ trophy

Hegemony embarking on a journey to nowhere

Earth piled high and deep with cooked fauna and flora


Creative evil raised to epiphanic dimensions

Inspired by the urge to shred truths

Supplanting them with flimsy lies

Desperately held solely by their inventors

Along with their stupefied acolytes, running in the millions

Testimony to the ineffable force of lies

Regnant over their zombified lackeys

Schooled to a halt in their choking warrens


Xenophobia revives its niche, now inflated

Soaring to novel and grisly heights

In truth, wallowing in gutters and sewages of history

Guaranteed, abetted, armed ‘n bankrolled by a barbaric imperium

Lies disguised as noble morals worthy of demons

Leeched by fawning allies, slavishly echoing imperial falsehoods

Jeering at their prey, applauding their rape, of men no less

Defending rapists, disenthralling them to continue outraging

Never freed from their brutal lecherous fantasies

Victims remain lifeless dead meat for vultures



Hope may be dashed, but never killed

And even where it seems in flight

Precious scraps must be salvaged

From among men and women of goodwill

Brushing aside their ethnicities

To revamp humanity

Waving flags of justice

Wherein color counts for naught

To face rulers, risking career, nay life

In sacrifice, to send a crucial message

To rulers and posterity

That wrongs will not be normalized

Equality and fairness must prevail

If humanity is to overcome the avarice and malice of rulers

  • Author: Seek (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 4th, 2024 11:54
  • Comment from author about the poem: Raw but true to feeling.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 9
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  • Lorenz

    Zionister ghetto .

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