Till death do us part


Till death do us part 

We will beat the same heart 

We will knock the same doors 

Unopened for so long 

I will haunt your dreams and prayers 

Even if you try to abscond  

I wil suffocate you 

Making you feel insane 

A madness I'm happy to have made 

A sadness no one fathoms even if you explain 


Locked in your dungeon 

You'll only know my love 

I will caress you with care 

Then I'll scratch you till crying in despair 

Till you never hope 

Till you die out of air 

Don't worry! 

I will have your back 

Till death do us part 


In your doorstep you'll smell death

And knowing you have nothing left 

You'll take off your buckler 

Open the door to all your thunders

You'll drown in shallow waters and

Among the stars you'll be remembered 

As the girl who was murdered 

By the thorns in her own feathers 

  • Author: Neilton (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 24th, 2024 07:22
  • Comment from author about the poem: Last year I was struggling with an eating disorder.I am still trying to get over it but I can now say that I am in a much better place. I would not put this poem out in the world if I did not feel the need to inform anyone who reads it.Eating disorders are mental disorders! That's something most people can not or do not want to understand. It is a common misconception that struggling with your relationship with food is nothing important. This poem shows exactly how I felt during that period of time . It is you against a disease that can kill you.You fight with literal demons and most of the time you feel trapped like there is no way out. But there is. It is difficult to understand somebody with an eating disorder unless something similar have happened to you .When I was younger I always thought" why don't they just eat?" This is something probably everyone thinks but please if someone you know has been through something similar try and show understanding and support them during this difficult time .There is a way out of this maze but everyone needs guidance to find the right way .Be patient with them and be there for them for every step of the way. I can talk about it for hours since it is a very sensitive matter and I want to raise awareness about it.If you took the time to read all that Thank you so much!
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 50
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett, Qurrathul Ain
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  • sorenbarrett

    Best wishes on your recovery from this terrible plight. The poem I did not read this at first sight and like the disorder itself went unnoticed until the note at the end. Misinterpreted it would have been a very different review. The person with the disorder has to let people know to gain help. My favorite line was the last (By the thorns in her own feathers) This is truely poetic and a fovorite I will remember.

    • Neilton

      Thank you very much! I agree with you completely! Once I got help the way out was still a long journey but easier !
      I'm very happy you acknowledged that line and you liked it cause it's also my favourite!
      Thank you again for your kind words 💗

    • Neville

      My very dear Neilton .. I can honestly say with my hand on my ❤️ that I have rarely if ever read a better poem about the subject in hand .. I also think you are very brave, very generous & very caring in sharing much of the information contained in your authors notes .. I work with many individuals who variously experience a range of eating disorder & who have suffered similarly to your good self .. You deserve a real good pat on the back .. Neville

      • Neilton

        So sorry for taking such long time to answer but school got in the way!
        Thank you is not enough for your kindness 💗I can't express how this message made me feel but I can say that Your words truly make me have more faith in humanity!
        I'm glad there are people in this world like you that can sympathize and I hope for the best for the people who are suffering from this.
        Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words ! It means a lot!

      • orchidee

        An expressive write N.

        • Neilton

          Thank you!!

        • Thomas W Case

          Powerful and poignant. Touching and important work.

          • Neilton

            Thank you very much Thomas!!

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