A composer may plan very few surprises
But there are effects when a melody rises
It acts like a thief in one of several guises
Taking an unsuspecting heart on a journey
It’s like racing towards surgery via gurney
Yet notes after rising in volume, can fall
Scaling the stave in mounting anticipation
Notes that climb clearly with deliberation
As if breath is finally one long exhalation
Yet all this is part of a clever musical plot
To let the blood flow before it might clot
As notes take listeners along with them all
Whether sung, or just purely instrumental
A sudden volume can contrast with gentle
The sound is as planned, never accidental
Although perhaps louder than was before
As one may choose when reading a score
But some musical changes can yet enthrall
However, they are all but notes on a stave
With the limited licence a composer gave
Each follows in order and all must behave
Perhaps an arpeggio or ending in a chord
The power of melody cannot be ignored
As the music demands, just heed the call
- Author: Twizzle48 ( Offline)
- Published: November 8th, 2024 04:08
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 18
- Users favorite of this poem: MR.apocalypse
very nice
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