2 at once, enjoy


A thought I think 


There is a thought I often think, 

an idea of humanity on its brink. 

On the edge where humanity sits, 

in an instance our planet blown to bits. 


This thought I think found in my mind, 

of our end and humanity being blind. 

We are aware of life’s fragile way, 

with climate change our lives pay. 

The shores and landscape changing, 

the storms forcing lives rearranging. 

Still there are so many that won’t think, 

will not acknowledge we are on our brink. 


Our planet suffers from what we do, 

today especially this fact is true. 

Slowly this planet gasps to breathe, 

wanting everyone to stop and believe, 

wanting everyone to take a pause, 

humanities pollution is the cause. 


This thought living freely in my mind, 

is humanities future really resigned? 

Are we destined to fail in the end? 

humanity is it not something to defend? 


I often reach into this ominous thought, 

to this idea of humanity being distraught. 

See us ending our own existence someday, 

leaving our planet dying and rotting away. 

This idea of humanity on its brink, 

this is a thought I often think. 






The frozen slice I see 


Looking ahead I notice the slice, 

a sliver of time frozen like ice. 

This angle shows me what’s ahead, 

the slice shows me when I’m dead. 


I lay in the ice of the slice in front of me, 

this is something the future wants me to see. 

Wants me to have knowledge, to be aware, 

at this slice I just pause and stare. 

Nothing distracts me from this view, 

wondering if this slice is going to be true. 


I understand we live to complete our deaths, 

this slice shows me when I have no breaths. 

Is this view something everyone can, see? 

or is this view only for eyes belonging to me? 


Looking ahead watching the slice, 

my death scene frozen like ice. 

Analyzing the view down to its dots, 

watching the slice remain in its spot. 

Unaware of where this slice in time sits, 

somewhere on the string this slice fits. 


I am worried about who I leave behind, 

if my body, they will easily find. 

Was I killed by someone I love? 

or was it a result thereof? 


Questions circling my thoughts, 

reviewing a view so distraught. 

This slice in time I have yet to reach, 

hidden lessons it attempts to teach. 

Looking ahead at this frozen like ice, 

staring at my future times slice. 



  • Author: Maplespal (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 15th, 2024 05:21
  • Comment from author about the poem: Just some thoughts.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett
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Comments +


  • Doggerel Dave

    Enjoy?? Really??

    Never the less some rich imagery and prophetic warnings ...as an amateur pessimist I can tune in quite well to some of that..

  • sorenbarrett

    Deep thoughts lay frozen in this latter poem and its all too human questions. Very nicely done

  • Tony36

    Love them both

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