A Bee Sips from a Dew Drop

Jerry Reynolds

Sitting on the terrace taking notes.
From behind the trees
The summer sun slowly floats.
A slight breeze dances with the willows.
While a bee sips from a dewdrop.
Spilled some coffee– cleaned it up.
Catbirds chase a crow across the sky.
A hint of breakfast infuses the air.
Cars humming on roads nearby.
While a bee sips from a dewdrop.
The sun warms my face.
A flock of blackbirds play with the wind.
Three geese, in formation, lumber by.
A poetic moment arrives.
While a bee sips from a dewdrop.

  • Author: Jerry Reynolds (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 21st, 2024 08:26
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 20
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  • Tony36

    Great write

    • Jerry Reynolds

      Thanks, Tony.

      • Tony36

        You're welcome

      • Neville

        How long is it till it's really summer Jez .. here in the UK I mean .. it felt like a very long way off when I woke first thing .. but I think you just gave me glimpse of it 🙂

        • Jerry Reynolds

          Thanks, Neville. Hard to tell these days, where one ends and another begins.

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