The Sun-Spilled Honey


The sun is spilling honey


Dropping on you


Dropping on me


And you-


Come here to me


So I can feel


The viscosity

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  • Goddess of the Mist

    Beautiful ❤️
    Simple and lovely 🌹

    • HarrisHan2k

      Thank you! The kind words really made my day. Wish you have a good one!

    • arqios

      Welcome to MPS Harris Han! So much in minimal lines and word count. You made it count for more! Keep writing and contributing. 👍🏻

      • HarrisHan2k

        Thanks! So nice of you for these compliments and encouragement!

        • arqios

          You are most welcome, Harris

        • Tony36


          • HarrisHan2k

            Thanks, Tony! Have a good day!

            • Tony36

              You're welcome

            • Cassie58

              A lovely piece of brevity. Well done.

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              Welcome to MyPoeticSide, friend. This is masterful. So much said in such few words. Look forward to more! 🌹👏

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