……My middle name is Boston, and our collective experiences are still costing, the system is double crossing, got negroes steady flossing, make believe bossing; this goes way back to when they was doing the Charleston, if you still shucking and jiving its as dangerous as skydiving, one eye open or two, back then the system didn’t care if you knew, those of us who ran for office or seen on television were few, that’s why when the time came ole heads was stuck to it like glue, their world had no illusions, very few confusions and or convolutions, police brutality and a lack of representation were like guardrails, dispelled any images of inclusion, I thank god for those brutal contusions, kept us focused, they couldn’t figure out why their kool aid wasn’t work’n, then came the confusion in the disguise of jobs, our aims dismantled like another negro league baseball franchise.
EvenwheniLie (Pseudonym) (
- Published: December 21st, 2024 09:21
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 15
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