Dear Future Husband - 5

Insanely Hilarious

Dear future husband, has she dyed her hair?
Have you guys been to the movies?
Are you in love with coffee?
Have you ever worn clothes as a pair?

Do you make a good listener? Does she help you clean?
Do you tell her stories when all she wants is to scream?
Do you guys make each other feel heard and seen?
Are you part of her favorite daydream?

Have you been to the amusement park together?
Have you eaten cotton candy?
Does she make you feel deserving?
Around the house, do you come in handy?

Have you adults been to the beach?
Played with the waves and given a playful speech?
Has she messed your hair? Have you?
Have you sat in the sand and sang to your favorite songs?

I wonder if you know all her favorites,
Her firsts, her birthdays, her happiest places.
Does she know yours? Does she love them all?
Because the both of you together are going to some great places.


  • Author: Insanely Hilarious (Online Online)
  • Published: December 21st, 2024 22:01
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 1
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