From sparks to ash



In the early days love was beautiful

Men of character ruled the day

The heart would melt leaving one dazed


The men though torn between this and that

Found time to keep the sparks  alive

Late night walks in the cold streets

The instinct to protect was in every step


The gentleman would ensure you walk on his left side

Sweet scented letters were filled with tenderness

The butterflies felt made one feel alive

The tones captured would leave one drunk for days


madams felt seen, cared for and loved

Through unspoken promises and deliberate actions

At the end of the day, sweet dreams,

accompanied the night like he never left

They truly felt breathless


Now madams want to breath less

To escape the nightmares that cloud their hearts

Time blurs and promises are just words

The hallow ache makes them want to die

For a whole day the text reads “good morning” and “hi”


Nonchallance has turned the sparks to ash

The men though torn between this and that leave it at that No apologies to make things right

The warmth of melted hearts, now frozen back to ice


The early days were beautiful

There were promises of a smile to chase the tears of sorrow

That smile won’t count now worse even tomorrow



That love that is true

better be as true as riches and gold

“My hand Is yours to hold “

that hand must not be empty

It must carry with it some tokens

I truly miss yesterday, far back as 1580

A time when love was not a convenience


  • Author: Domilla.N (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 22nd, 2024 10:52
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: domilla
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  • Demar Desu

    1580?!?! I doubt those days were anything but beautiful LOL! Nothing but war and sickness. Sheesh though this is definitely a good romanticized version of love way back in the day.

    These days I feel like love is the best it’s ever been.

    • domilla

      Love has been in existence since far back that time . Its purest form existed far back. In sickness and in health was a promise that was stuck to. In the 16th century well I think it love was good

      • Demar Desu

        It’s easy to say things rather than know it for sure. To say loves purest form has changed seems ridiculous. If something as pure as love can change then maybe it was never pure. Personally I believe it has stayed the same from self love to outward with other individuals

        • domilla

          As the world is reaching its end it says that people will be lovers of themselves and their money. It’s easy to say because of what I have read. Pure in the sense where people then cared and loved more. War and sickness are part of life not love . I wrote of love so there’s a huge difference as well

          • Demar Desu

            People believe the world has been ending for centuries… what have you read that makes you believe this?

            • domilla

              Real conversation strengthened love ties. Love was more simpler and there were less distractions

              • Demar Desu

                The only constant concern is survival no matter who you are, now that survival is more likely now a guarantee. People do not have to marry for protection or have arranged marriages for family status. People are also allowed to freely love who they want

                • domilla

                  I’m the type of person that doesn’t follow rules so I’m all for those who chose to be blind. Who wrote secret notes and were willing to die for each other

                  • Demar Desu

                    Even if we follow our own rules we are following rules…

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Times have changed and not for the better in this poem. There is a feeling of doom cast where darkness is pending.

                    • domilla

                      It’s heading for worse . Where people look out for themselves more instead of looking out for each other

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