A new day


The sunlight speeding through the sky

Touching everything – low and high

Touched, in its, travels, a sleepy little town

And helped it discard its old night-gown.

Dawn was bright, spreading the light

Dispelling the shadows from a great height

Before its greatness, night had to bow

It had to pick up its bedding, and go..

Factories began to hum with activity and life

Glad as there were, that there had come a new morn

Whilst women started to sharpen their little kitchen knives

Eager to cook curry, rice or prawn.

Soon, over the town, spread a hustle and a bustle

And in the gym, athletes flexed their strong muscles

A  new day had been ushered in – the old one had gone

The sun smiled benevolently, as a new day was being born…

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  • Poetic Licence

    The welcome of daylight from the darkness of the night, enjoyed the read

    • NafisaSB

      thank you - glad you liked it

      • Poetic Licence

        You are very welcome

      • sorenbarrett

        You have painted a most beautiful scene of dawn and all that accompanies it, The use of great metaphor enhanced this picture and made it come to life. Most lovely

        • NafisaSB

          dawn fascinates me - the serenity and beauty always evokes a response
          thanks for the feedback - have a beautiful weekend

        • arqios

          What an uplifting promise in new days that captures the essence of renewal, community, and the simple joys of daily life.

          • NafisaSB

            yes indeed - each new day brings hope if we can keep the faith, and share our joys
            have a great day

          • Cassie58

            A new day offers new hope. A lovely uplifting poem dear Safina. The sun can certainly make a difference to the way we feel. Beautiful imagery embedded in your text. Hope you are yours are well. Have a good weekend.

            • NafisaSB

              i agree dear friend. brightness always helps to dispel the gloom that surrounds us, and tries to envelop us
              it is the wedding season in india, so though enjoying meeting up old friends and new, have to really find time to sit, read and enjoy the beautiful verse this group puts forth
              happy days ahead for you too - God bless you and yours

            • Thomas W Case

              Beautiful imagery and strong personification.

              • NafisaSB

                thank you, Sir - kind of you

              • Neville

                Oh yes that thing called sunshine .. thanks for the memory .. and what a day you have captured and so eloquently .. not only the big things & the minutia, but those things now gone and no more .. The fullest of days and only just being born .. Neville

                • NafisaSB

                  yes, so much of it is just in our memories - except the sunshine, the brightness and the feeling of serenity as a new day dawns

                • Teddy.15

                  Ah happy glorious day to you, this is gorgeous love the rhyme love the imagery and love the warmth in which I feel whilst reading. 🌹

                  • NafisaSB

                    thank you so much - so glad you liked it, and felt happy when reading it
                    such a scene, which is now a thing of the past, can still bring some peace and joy

                  • Thad Wilk

                    A wonderfully woven
                    poem love the rhyme,
                    flow and imagery!! 🤩
                    Very evocative
                    penned superbly!! 👌✴️
                    Best wishes poetess 🍀 🤗 🌹 Thad

                    • NafisaSB

                      sorry for the extremely late response...
                      as usual admire the way you respond in poetic form - it's just awesome
                      thank you, and more power to your pen...

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