YEARS 2008-2013
Shallow, approximate training- MERCK SERONO. Much enthusiasm in the company.
A huge project is support to last 3 years.
Main languages: German, Italian, French,Portuguese,Spanish and of course English.
All clear and nothing clear. Different manager this time-
Black berries phones ended to end users to configure; they could see blacker than anything else.
One great innovation VPN connection to work not only from home, but from everywhere except home.
Welcome to Windows 7.
I had in the office 1 workstations and 2 monitors.
2 different locations in Germany.
A useless read training carried out by a tall, blond, Finnish woman who spoke only English.
She started reading aloud all possible deployment to follow…………
Everybody or 2 of them had a total devoted attraction to her. Age 25. Divorced. She had issues in Germany for her ex-husband ‘s surname that she wanted to keep. Former husband from New Zeland.
If I asked her a single question- she innocently replied that she had no clue- he could read aloud.
Merck Serono- Lotus Notes deployment and configuration sent by Darmstadt. Merck Lotus Notes db.
All possible SAP installed to grant access to and update their PW’s. No SSO for anything.
A number of calls that was increasing every month. As the scandals that were increasing daily. Kindly adjusted my phone of incoming calls as priority in these languages: Italian and French.
1st scandal of that famous year 2008: 2 new entries for the Portuguese language- Merck Portugal and Brazil, married couple, Brazilian citizens, VISA granted in a blink of an eye.
2nd big scandal the Brazilian man had been absent for 2 days in a row, another job proposal and contract, he was fired overnight since guilty of breakage of IBM confidential information to the other company he was hired in Leipzig.
3rd scandal the Brazilian wife, an extremely tall woman crying in office. She was kept to work until the end.
Every morning ready at 08:30 the log in to my workstation and phone- in bereit status.
4rd scandal increasing anxiety and gossiping in the office. Who was sleeping with and when.
Year 2010, toxic environment – trainings in the office’s training room. Lotus Notes training all
In German.
Is it all clear? No.
We were approximately 50 agents in both towns. 2 TLs. A German woman of Polish origins accused publicly to have chuckled her husband during a business trip. Divorce. Change of surname.
Increasing in coming calls for me from France Pharma Merck- preoccupied of the deployment of network access and lotus notes servers to Germany- idem Italy and Spain.
Most network folders not available. Cloud? No.
They had to wait 2 weeks.
Incoming calls for me ROME – VPN key to provide to end users while travelling- Encrypted. Hidden decrypted key in Lotus notes email.
Increasing calls and gossiping and final bulling added in the year 2011. Change of Manger a woman of 55 years old- full of issues she confessed to menopause.
Getting ready for the next- no more workstation. Provided laptops with Docking stations for better connection to external hardware devices. Each one of us- had to put the laptop inside the locker with the key to take with you at home.
My head was full of information. Drinking huge amount of coffee in the morning at my desk.
Another huge event was yet to come: USA Millipore and the visit of 3 people from USA to Leipzig.
MERCK-MILLIPORE HAD STARTED and all the nice web applications to trouble shoot.
5th Scandal meeting with the American Business and executives and 1 IT, 2 hours. Only 4 had been invited to participate- I was among those 4. I even remember what I was wearing, an inelegant denim long skirt and a dark green pull.
Memories of the Finnish girl getting thinner and thinner, weeping in the office, her partner wanted a child- she did not- dumped by him a replaced in 1 week by a German older woman already pregnant.
Increasing issues of mental health due to personal issues.
Bad word behind my back by the TL in presence of the Americans.
The number of agents decrease dramatically in the 2012. My health started deteriorating. Gaining weight, usually very thin.
Number of holidays not taken as reported by the recruiting agency- up to 3 months.
Went to a Labour expert solicitor to report the situation- by the German law you must be dismissed in order to be entitled to benefits. Received first letter of the Solicitor by the agency complaining about the Toxic working environment causing health issues to many employees.
Change of Manager and office location- increasing amount of work- in American English.
IBM was close to lose another client- negotiations to keep longer asking less money for the support.
I did learn quite a lot- but…………. what was the reward in summer 2013: the redundancy.
Many had already abandoned. The local IT who used to configure the workstations and laptops passed away in the office of heart attack.
The suggestion of the solicitor: made them redundant, sack them. Do not use them.
Appointment in the office of Adecco to get the Reference letter- impeccable-
Most Italians are no longer there-many left the job a year earlier. One Italian colleague who had met the right one – settled down with a huge nice apartment – had a son from her, born with a mild down syndrome.
He left the partner for another much younger woman. Year 2012 left Germany. Me babysitting his son once, while he was sleeping with a 19-year-old girl- her partner at work.
A pregnancy issue of a BISEXUAL openly declared working class woman- to pay maternity leave- GERMAN.
Most of those managers are retired now, except the younger one. New job, same land. Mother of 2 sons.
Day -dreamers of a nice life- and loving family. FAKE JOKERS AND POETS. Pretending not to care…………
The hypocrisy of nobody caring about anything job- and anything else- when dipping the cookie in the cup all the time. No friendship.
Politics: Left wing- extreme left- right and extreme right – DOES it make any difference?
The apartment had been living in for nearly 8 years had immaculate white walls. Dirty carpet.
Swarovski20 (
- Published: January 20th, 2025 13:46
- Comment from author about the poem: No personal message needed for those able to understand
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 10
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