Dust and Joy


The rivers shall not drown you,
The griefs shall not overwhelm you.
The joys shall not make you forget,
Let life remind you again and again:
From dust we have come,
To dust we shall return.


Yet in this fleeting touch of life,
Hold the hands of strangers.
Look into their eyes,
Peer into their souls.
Let yourself soak in joy,
The all-pervasive joy of selfless love,
In a difficult life in an unforgiving world.

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  • sorenbarrett

    A beautiful write and the message deserves the Fave

    • rebellion_in_sanity

      I experience the power of words everytime I read your comments. They literally inspire me to strive for betterment. Please accept my gratitude. Thank you 🙏

    • Cassie58

      Such a beautiful message of positivity in a world which can often be harsh. Love is everything. Much enjoyed RIS.

      • rebellion_in_sanity

        Your kind words give me the inspiration to keep expressing my thoughts. Appreciate your support 🙏

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        What a wonderfully positive message! Much needed and an easy fave! Well done! ❤️🙏

        • rebellion_in_sanity

          Thank you so very much for your kindness and support. Truly inspiring 🙏

        • Poetic Licence

          Well written positive piece of poetry, really enjoyed it

          • rebellion_in_sanity

            Thank you very much for your words of encouragement 🙏. Really appreciate it

            • Poetic Licence

              You are very welcome

            • RSM0812

              Great message. We should kill each other with kindness.

              • rebellion_in_sanity

                Deeply appreciate your support and kindness. Thank you very much

              • NafisaSB

                liked the message - yes we shall return to dust, but let's make the most of life, while alive

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