Value of Gifts

Poetic Licence

Value of Gifts. (Should not be expected)


The true meaning of a present is a gift, something that someone you know has chosen to give.


It should be a voluntary gesture from one person to another, should not matter if it's a friend, wife, sibling, mother or father.


Someone who has no obligation to buy you anything because there is no law in the land, that says on you their hard-earned money they should spend.


From someone who loves cares for or just likes you, to show appreciation, congratulations or we are just thinking of you.


A gift should not be judged on the cost of the item it should be graciously accepted without any question.


We should not think oh is that all they could afford, then if we don't like it just throw it in the cupboard draws.


We have no right to judge what someone has been kind enough to give to us, whatever it is we did not have it before and that should always be seen as a plus.


Who made it law that you can dictate the price of the item that is gifted to you, why should it matter if it's new or used.


What is it about us that we think we are entitled to gifts that we can send out long detailed demands an ever-growing list.


How we exert pressure on all our family and friends, yet our lack of appreciation and growing expectations never seemed to end.


Why is a gift nicer because it's made in China and all your friends have got it, the latest technology however much it costs.


Instead of something your friends have not got, handmade with love and did not cost a lot.


Surely a gift is a simple act reflecting someone's love and care or appreciation for you. Something to treasure because someone gifted you because they wanted to.


Not because of an expectation, demand or obligation, just a small gesture of someone else's appreciation.


Not judged by brand, size or monetary value, just a little something to say on this day I am thinking of you.


This is something from me to you and I give it with my heart, that's the real location where any gifts should start.


Nataiella December (2024).

  • Author: Tobani / Nataiella (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 22nd, 2025 06:50
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 16
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cassie58
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  • arqios

    Yes! The extension of the heart pertains to the source of all outwardly objects and gestures. So deep! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ•Š

    • Poetic Licence

      Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated

      • arqios

        You are welcome πŸ™πŸ»

      • sorenbarrett

        Nataiella a great message and also a good piece of advice set in poem. Lovely

        • Poetic Licence

          Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          A wonderful poem, well-written with a poignant message. Well done, my friend!!!

          • Poetic Licence

            Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated

          • Cassie58

            I thank you Tobani for the gift of your poetry. I have missed your postings recently. You have said so much here. It is always the thought that counts. Price etc, doesn’t come into it. A fine write.

            • Poetic Licence

              Thank you Cassie for your feedback, very much appreciated. ( my bones have been hurting with the cold, had to stop typing for a while)

            • Thomas W Case


              • Poetic Licence

                Thank you for your feedback, very much appreciated

              • David Wakeling

                Yes gift giving is a complex procedure. So many gifts are unwanted or even re-gifted, This was clever. Made me think

                • Poetic Licence

                  Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated

                • Thad Wilk

                  Awesome poem,
                  thoughts and message too! πŸ€”
                  Never judge a gift 🎁
                  for its monetary value,
                  so true!!🀩
                  Thanks for sharing my friend!!
                  Best regards ✌️ Thad

                  • Poetic Licence

                    Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated

                  • Reynaldo Casison

                    Nice And Poignant Tobani

                    • Poetic Licence

                      Thank you for your kind words, have a great weekend

                    • Caring dove

                      Gifts show people are thinking of you .. that’s true ..

                      Least someone has been kind enough to think to buy us a gift

                      A nice writing

                      • Poetic Licence

                        Thank you for your kind words, enjoy your day

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